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White Feather & Robert Goodwin Books

A Life in Trance
50 Years as the Medium of White Feather

"An amazing insight into the life of one of the most prolific trance mediums of the current age"

"I simply couldn't put this book down!"

The story of how respected UK Trance Medium Robert Goodwin became the vehicle for the teachings of spirit guide White Feather and their fifty year, two-world partnership. A serious, entertaining, often funny, but always highly inspirational look at the development of the trance state and its impact on the life of a man destined to become a vital mouthpeice for an afterlife teacher and those that work with him. Written and compiled by the medium himself with the support of his wife Amanda (whom the guide refers to as Sunflower) this semi-autobiographical work contains the latest teachings from the guide and is sure to delight all spiritual seekers and those looking to develop their own trance mediumship.



Reviews "It is with pleasure and gratitude that I convey how much this book By Robert Goodwin has helped me on my own spiritual journey. Learning how his own development unfolded from his youth until now demonstrates his heartfelt desire to be in service to help others. The words he models as an inspiration to me and others in this book are being steadfast, humble, persevering, truthful, compassionate, and many more. I have come to understand why Spirit led me to Robert over a 3 year period through synchronicity to learn from him and develop my own trance work effectively. I also understand why White Feather chose to work with and through him over the last 50 years plus.
Robert writes eloquently and leads you well through his story. The sessions that were recorded with White Feather and included in this book answering questions for people are topics that expand our knowledge about how Spirit works to help those that are ready to listen to something greater than themselves, and hopefully to try to be a part of the solution to helping humanity through these difficult times. White Feather is also so helpful to individuals in their own areas of concern. The discussion between White Feather and Sunflower really touched me, and was so poignant as White Feather helped her understand her own situation and needs. I highly recommend this book. I know I will read it more than once, and learn something new each time."



"I very much enjoyed reading this book and highly recommend it. I found it a delight in more ways than one. In the first part, which mostly concerns Robert, his early years, and experiences that ultimately led to his development as a medium. This was interesting in itself, whilst it also highlighted how dedicated he has been throughout his development and in all the years of service since, during which I know that he has demonstrated his mediumistic abilities on countless occasions, principally with his guide, White Feather, who speaks so eloquently through him.
The second part of this book is dedicated to communications from that wonderful soul, who we know as “White Feather”. I do not know another spirit guide who currently shares such a range of philosophy, covering topics that are not only timeless and eternal, but also those hugely significant to today. While the variety of questions that he answers also cover a seemingly unending range of subjects".



"Any seeker of the Truth would enjoy reading any or all of Robert's books, as the wisdom of Whitefeather is something that resonates as being the Truth. This book outlines Robert's career in the first part, and then follows the familiar format of answers to various questions put to the sage in the second. There was a bit of repetition in this part which I felt could have been space better used answering different questions, especially as this book has the air of being the last one. By any reasonable estimation, Robert should be as well known as any of the famous names such as Colin Fry or Derek Acorah, and perhaps it will only be realized in the future just what great work, and essential spiritual truths he has delivered and channelled, after he himself has entered the next world. Thank-you Robert."



"What a wonderful read, touching, familiar, such similarities throughout... Knowledge, wisdom and so much more... White Feather is as always a wonderful speaker and among thee most thought provoking I've met. Rob and Amanda are so patient and wonderfully balanced in their professional approach. A wonderful book and my first excursion into digital reading was a success... Thank you all"



"I just finished reading your book, A Life in Trance: Fifty years as the Medium of White Feather and absolutely loved it. I’ve always been a bit tentative about trance information as I’ve seen many people on YouTube etc. who don’t resonate as authentic with me. But I loved so much of White Feather’s discourse and also your own journey into this special work. It had such a resonance with me."



"It is spectacular! I am learning so much from it."



"I absolutely love this book. It is a rich tapestry that offers inspiration and upliftment to those seeking a deeper meaning in life. I deeply value the wisdom, compassion and insight it offers. Thank you Robert and White Feather for sharing these wonderful insights with us."



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Other books including - Truth from the White Brotherhood, The Golden Thread, In the presence of White Feather, Answers for an Enquiring Mind, The Enlightened Soul, Transcognitive Spirituality, Light: The Divine Intelligence and Tne Infinite Stream and all available to download from and





Now available in paperback from this website or from Amazon

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